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Wednesday 6 April 2016

Marriage and Religion

Inter and intra-faith marriages

Inter-faith marriages, also known as fixed marriages are marriages that involve partners prophesying different religions. In most instances interfaith marriages are viewed as civil marriages but they are at times contracted as religious marriages. This depends on religious prohibitions against the marriage by the religion of one (or both) spouses, based on religious doctrine or tradition.
A Muslim and a non-Muslim

Interfaith marriage is also distinct from interracial and inter-ethnic marriage (also known as "mixed marriage"), since spouses in an interfaith marriage may share the same race or ethnicity.

In some religions, religious doctrines prohibit interfaith marriages. In others, religious tradition opposes interfaith marriage but may allow it in limited circumstances. Several major religions are mute on the issue, and still others allow it with requirements for ceremony and custom. For ethno-religious groups resistance to interfaith marriage may be a form of self-segregation.

There is also interfaith marriages which involves the union of two individuals of the same faith or religion but from different denominations. An example can be when a Catholic gets married or marries a protestant. This kind of marriages is more common and widely accepted as compared to interfaith marriage since most denominations belonging to one religion usually have similar beliefs and practices. This often makes it less hectic for spouces in this kind of marriage.

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